10 Tips To Become Fantastic A Parent

PlayPlay encourages parents to share your ideas and nurture your community. Use our platform, and FB page to connect and exchange ideas with other parents. In today's blog, we're sharing tips to become a fantastic parent

1. Lead by example

Whether it’s limiting your screen time or respecting the partner, begin with self.

2. Put yourself in their shoes

Once you do then you know what joy it is to make that loud noise which you find annoying.

3. Don’t act as if you own them

Remember you are the facilitator, offer them protective environment but don’t forbid them from exploring.

4. Apologize

Do it immediately if you commit a mistake before they even realize or point a finger at you.

5. Get real, not reel

You can give them company even by volunteering when they are playing with their favorite block toys. You don’t have to join their video game.

6. Build memories


When you focus on creating wonderful memories, it becomes their source of power which makes them ready to take on the challenges of life with a positive mindset.

7. Learn positive parenting

How you deal with challenges leaves its mark on them. Aspire to be their role model.

8. Observe


Each child is different, unique and you can observe the unique qualities of your child only by way of observation.

9. Express love

Childhood is the best time to develop and nurture heart. Don’t hesitate from showing your love for them.

10. Share

Sharing is caring. When you share good resources with parents, you strengthen your parenting community. Share your views in the comment section below:

Smart Parenting
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